Born in Maribor in 2001, Pia Golob is a Multimedia student at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana. She has been interested in photography since childhood but took it up seriously as a 1st-year secondary school student at II. gimnazija Maribor where she began gaining experience by photographing school events regularly. Her main focus is portrait photography, but occasionally she also dedicates her time to concert and travel as well as street and theatre photography. In 2018, she formed a photo group within her secondary school and taught the basics of photography to over 30 students in two years. In 2015, she won the main prize at the National Geographic Junior photo contest and represented Slovenia at the international level. In 2018, she was a member of the Slovenian youth delegation for the 39th FIAP World Youth Biennial in Bulgaria. In September 2019, she received an honourable mention in the Art Photography category and in October 2020 in the Children category at the International Photography Awards.


Pia Golob je bila rojena leta 2001 v Mariboru in trenutno študira multimedijo na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko Univerze v Ljubljani. Za fotografijo se je začela zanimati že v otroštvu, resneje pa se je z njo začela ukvarjati v prvem letniku II. gimnazije Maribor, kjer se je največ naučila predvsem z rednim fotografiranjem šolskih dogodkov. Njeno glavno področje zanimanja predstavlja portretna fotografija, občasno pa se ukvarja tudi s koncertno, popotniško in z ulično ter gledališko fotografijo. Od leta 2018 na svoji šoli samostojno vodi fotografski krožek, ki ga je tudi ustanovila. V letu 2015 je dobila glavno nagrado fotografskega natečaja National Geographic Junior in zastopala Slovenijo na mednarodnem nivoju natečaja. V letu 2018 je bila članica slovenske mladinske delegacije za 39. svetovni mladinski FIAP bienale v Bolgariji. Septembra 2019 je prejela častno pohvalo natečaja International Photography Awards v kategoriji Fine Art, oktobra 2020 pa v kategoriji Children.


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